Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Beer....

Each new year holds promise of peace & prosperity and it's my wish to all that you receive the same during 2013. Beer Bread is one of my favorite comfort foods & there's no better way to welcome the new year than with comfort. Enjoy this recipe which is named for Sheryl Crow's song "All I Wanna Do" found on page 55 of Recipe Records:

3 c. self-rising flour, sifted
1/4 c. sugar
1 - 12 oz. can beer (I prefer Anheuser-Busch products)
1/2 c. melted butter
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl. Add beer & mix gently. Pour batter into greased loaf pan. Pour melted butter on top of batter and bake 1 hour. Cool 10-15 min. before removing from loaf pan.
Slice into cubes and serve with a good dill dip, or just slather it with butter....

Many projects plague my weary brain and as they reach fruition you will undoubtedly be sprinkled with the news of same. Recipe Records the 60's Edition is now available on my website, along with our original Recipe Records cookbook. I am busy putting finishing touches on Recipe Records The Beatles Edition -- 50 recipes for 50 years of The Beatles, so please stay tuned for the February release date. 
I'll keep you posted on my new radio shows for 2013 as well.
I love hearing your suggestions for shows, blogs, books, etc. So please email your comments or guest suggestions to me at:

As I heard John Lennon sing "Another year over..and a new one just begun," I wondered what music John would be enjoying today. I think if John were writing a blog he would rename it a "blurb," because he was eclectically funny that way. Check out this link to a sweet ditty that I think John would "blurb" about:

Ho Hey by the Lumineers:

I encourage you to sign up for Carl Hoffman's newsletter at his website: . He features Recipe Records the 60’s Edition this month, link below. His site contains terrific information about the 60’s!
*Recipe Records author, Lanea Stagg, is now scheduling appearances for 2013! Speaking programs for your civic, church or other group; have a book party, or schedule cooking lessons for children ages 8 – 18. I am a roving expert for the Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana, insured, and have 20 years of experience as a mom. Contact via

Happy 2013 Wishes,
Lanea Stagg
Recipe Records cookbooks

1 comment:

Katy B said...

Wishing you a wonderful 2013 -keep rockin!